I'm a sappy person. That's all there is to it. I can't hide it. I cry at commercials. I cry if someone else cries. I think about sad things and I cry. I flip on the TV and find the sad part of a show or movie and cry.
A time of the year I'm guaranteed to cry: Miah's birthday. I cry as she refuses to stay little and insists on getting older. And these birthdays she insists on having every year...they are coming faster and faster!
Since May 1st is around the corner I've been looking back at pictures of little miss and put together a slideshow of a couple of my favorite ages: 4 & 5 years. You probably won't be sappy so I'll just go ahead and cry for you...
For the Kiddos
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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Kids' Camp 2011 Logo by Josh Crabtree |
I gotta admit, this logo is one of my favorite things about the beginning of Kids' Camp planning :) The guy that creates the logo is an art teacher and is also the brother of our office administrator. I usually have an idea that comes to my head and somehow I have to relate that idea through scribbling and sketching (think stick figure ability) and then transfer that through email. And every year he seems to translate my thoughts into a SUPER logo! He takes my initial thoughts and creates something even better than what was in my mind :) It consists of many emails back and forth of me nit picking and asking for this line to be a little thicker, this font to be a little less rounded, this color to be three shades brighter, this...well...you get the point. For whatever reason, he seems to agree to work with me every year ;)
Every year I wonder how God is going to top the previous year. He doesn't disappoint! There are a dozen teams working and planning for Kids' Camp and have been since the very end of January. Some of our strongest teams this year had the least volunteer involvement in years past...and THAT is exciting! I can't WAIT to see what He's going to do in June!!!
So fantastic to see new growth in our church each year with Kids' Camp. New faces. New roles. New ideas. New commitment.
"And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love." Romans 5:5
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Simple Seuss Truths
Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss! (He'd be 104!)
When it's my birthday I like to celebrate for days :) Soooo in honor of a favorite children's author I want to challenge us as parents to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday by sharing a different Seuss-ism with our kiddos for the next few days. Here are some ideas:
* On a bathroom/bedroom mirror with eyeliner write: "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You." Start their day out by telling them how happy you are that God made them who they are and that you love every inch of them!
* In their lunch write a small note that says, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" Remind them gently to be like Jesus...who also stood out.
* For a rainy day and especially for my local flooded readers, "I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny, but we can have lots of good fun that is funny." Plan for popcorn sprinkled with m & m's and a funny movie to brighten the day!
* On a speech bubble you cut from paper write: "Oh, the thinks you can think!" and then proceed with "Wanna know what I think?" and list some thinks you think about your child...I think you're great...I think you're a creative artist...I think you're good at math...I think you're sweet to your friends...
* Tell them, "Today is your day, your mountain is waiting, go get on your way!" before school on the day of a big test or when they have something they need to conquer.
* "A person's a person, no matter how small." Let them know what a difference they make in your family. How does each child make their mark in your world? How would your family be incomplete without them? Tell them how even at such a young age what a difference they make!
* "From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!" Family Assignment: Keep your eyes out for funny things that happen throughout the day. At dinner or bedtime or another specified time, the family can have some laughs as they share the funny things that happened in the day.
Have you read Oh, the Places You'll Go? It's a great book for all ages and all stages. I received it when I graduated high school and it would be great for anyone who reaches a new phase in life...starting kindergarten, graduating school, newly married, new career...and so on.
Hope you have fun with Seuss-isms! What ones did you find to use??
* "A person's a person, no matter how small." Let them know what a difference they make in your family. How does each child make their mark in your world? How would your family be incomplete without them? Tell them how even at such a young age what a difference they make!
* "From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!" Family Assignment: Keep your eyes out for funny things that happen throughout the day. At dinner or bedtime or another specified time, the family can have some laughs as they share the funny things that happened in the day.
Have you read Oh, the Places You'll Go? It's a great book for all ages and all stages. I received it when I graduated high school and it would be great for anyone who reaches a new phase in life...starting kindergarten, graduating school, newly married, new career...and so on.
Hope you have fun with Seuss-isms! What ones did you find to use??
Friday, February 11, 2011
Out of the Mouths of Babes...
This is a story that took place three years ago. I had written about it on Facebook in the Notes section and had forgotten all about it until recently. Thought I'd share a little funny...
When Miah was in first grade one of her classmate's step-dad had passed away. Miah had been thinking of her little friend and the situation and talking about it quite a bit. Then within a couple weeks of that event the following conversation took place in the car on a Sunday after church...
Miah: Momma, what if Daddy died? I would be so sad!
Me: I know, I would be too!!
Miah: What if you died? (the tension in her voice now rising rapidly) What if you BOTH died?! What would happen to me?? Who would take care of me?!?!
Of course I'm driving and she's in the back seat and I'm feeling horrible that she is so concerned so I'm near tears. I'm trying to be calm and not create any more tension, and I'm wanting desperately to ease her fears...
Momma: Well that's why we have faith in God and pray for Him to protect us. But if something did happen to us, you would have nothing to worry about. Scott and Kathy (my sister) would take care of you.
Miah: *big gasp* THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER!!!
Me: (My deep concern suddenly declined!) WHAT? Better than WHAT?! Better than Momma and Daddy????
Miah: Well, I still love you! It's just that I really miss Scott and Kathy!
Aahhh that brought many laughs and still does when I think back on that. But now as I reminisce it makes me think about how secure she felt. I mean, her concern for what would happen to her lasted just two minutes - if that. She felt secure knowing she'd be taken care of and never once worried about her next meal or if bills would be paid or if her home would be protected or if...
Let's try to have the faith of a child. Let's rest in our Father knowing He will take care of us. Let's believe in all of His goodness He assures us about. Let's live saying "that would be even better!"
"Do do not worry, saying, 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Fathers knows that you need them. But seek first His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:31-34
When Miah was in first grade one of her classmate's step-dad had passed away. Miah had been thinking of her little friend and the situation and talking about it quite a bit. Then within a couple weeks of that event the following conversation took place in the car on a Sunday after church...
Miah: Momma, what if Daddy died? I would be so sad!
Me: I know, I would be too!!
Miah: What if you died? (the tension in her voice now rising rapidly) What if you BOTH died?! What would happen to me?? Who would take care of me?!?!
Of course I'm driving and she's in the back seat and I'm feeling horrible that she is so concerned so I'm near tears. I'm trying to be calm and not create any more tension, and I'm wanting desperately to ease her fears...
Momma: Well that's why we have faith in God and pray for Him to protect us. But if something did happen to us, you would have nothing to worry about. Scott and Kathy (my sister) would take care of you.
Miah: *big gasp* THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER!!!
Me: (My deep concern suddenly declined!) WHAT? Better than WHAT?! Better than Momma and Daddy????
Miah: Well, I still love you! It's just that I really miss Scott and Kathy!
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Miah with Aunt Kathy 2007 |
Let's try to have the faith of a child. Let's rest in our Father knowing He will take care of us. Let's believe in all of His goodness He assures us about. Let's live saying "that would be even better!"
"Do do not worry, saying, 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Fathers knows that you need them. But seek first His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:31-34
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Be Mine
With Valentine's Day just 5 days away I want to challenge you to take the time to make your kiddos a special Valentine. I think we tend to think of our significant other this month, but I want us to think of our kids too. I've been looking online for some ideas...SIMPLE ideas that I could whip up for Miah. I want her to know how special she is to me and what better time than at Valentine's!
Don't have much time for a craft? Or too nervous because you're not "crafty?" Kids don't expect some high quality craft...they'll just feel good that you took time to write out some special words just for them. Don't you remember how your mom used to say, "Don't get me anything, just make me a card!" She wasn't just saying that. She meant it. Parents love homemade/handmade gifts their kids make...so why wouldn't kids feel just as special when we make something for them?
Check out Kaboose for some simple and some not-as-simple valentine ideas. I think I'm going to make a card, decorate the outside and then on the inside I'm going to fill it with a bunch of small hearts in different colors. On each small heart I'm going to make my own message like they have on the candy hearts. I believe I'll put a different word on each one that reminds me of Miah, tells something about her, or gives her a message from me. (U R GR8, I <3 U, HUG ME, UR BEAUTIFUL and so on...). They can't hear those positive and loving messages too much. They're surrounded by negativity everywhere they go so let's take advantage of this special day to pump them full of love and loving thoughts and loving gestures!
I know you're busy, and I know buying a store card is easier. But let's MAKE the time to do something special. Or buy the card and MAKE the time to write your own special message inside. MAKE the time, our kids are worth it.
While you're reminding them of how much you love them, remind them of how much God loves them as well.
Psalm 106:1
Romans 5:5,8
Ephesians 2:4,5
Ephesians 3:18,19
I John 4:9
*I'm gonna make you look them up today ;)
Don't have much time for a craft? Or too nervous because you're not "crafty?" Kids don't expect some high quality craft...they'll just feel good that you took time to write out some special words just for them. Don't you remember how your mom used to say, "Don't get me anything, just make me a card!" She wasn't just saying that. She meant it. Parents love homemade/handmade gifts their kids make...so why wouldn't kids feel just as special when we make something for them?
Check out Kaboose for some simple and some not-as-simple valentine ideas. I think I'm going to make a card, decorate the outside and then on the inside I'm going to fill it with a bunch of small hearts in different colors. On each small heart I'm going to make my own message like they have on the candy hearts. I believe I'll put a different word on each one that reminds me of Miah, tells something about her, or gives her a message from me. (U R GR8, I <3 U, HUG ME, UR BEAUTIFUL and so on...). They can't hear those positive and loving messages too much. They're surrounded by negativity everywhere they go so let's take advantage of this special day to pump them full of love and loving thoughts and loving gestures!
I know you're busy, and I know buying a store card is easier. But let's MAKE the time to do something special. Or buy the card and MAKE the time to write your own special message inside. MAKE the time, our kids are worth it.
While you're reminding them of how much you love them, remind them of how much God loves them as well.
Psalm 106:1
Romans 5:5,8
Ephesians 2:4,5
Ephesians 3:18,19
I John 4:9
*I'm gonna make you look them up today ;)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Deliberate. Planned. Gifted. Positioned.
On Twitter today Max Lucado said, "You aren't an accident. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, lovingly positioned on earth by the Master Craftsman."
I couldn't get this out of my head. I just kept thinking about it. Then I went to the thesaurus and found synonyms for deliberate:
*thought out
And now hours later I still find myself dwelling on these words. In heaven I wish for God to show me home videos of when He made me. How much design went into making me someone who will notice details that others don't usually notice? Or how much intention did He take when He decided I would be more reserved around large groups of people? I wonder how purposeful He was when He decided I would be tender hearted and cry so easily? I need to remind myself I am who I am because One who is greater than me calculated me to be this way...and that way...and not this way...or not that way.
It's easy to want to be like someone else. To look like someone else. It's easy to pick out the things about ourselves we don't like. I find myself doing that often lately. I'm going to stop though. Even as I notice ways my daughter is just like me, I need to celebrate that God was intentional about her too. Maybe that trait about myself that drives me crazy...the one Miah has too...maybe it's because He saw it important enough to repeat. I've been looking around for about a week now at friends, at family, at people on TV, people at church and seeing just how unique and different the Master Craftsman has deliberately planned for each of us to be. How anyone can argue there is such a creator I don't know.
Sit down as a family or maybe while you're all at the dinner table, go around and pick out the ways God specifically gifted and deliberately planned for each of you to be. Find the things that are uniquely special about each person. As a bonus maybe you'll also see the ways your unique traits work together and compliment each other as a family.
Look at Jeremiah 1:5 to see how he was specifically gifted by God.
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."
I couldn't get this out of my head. I just kept thinking about it. Then I went to the thesaurus and found synonyms for deliberate:
*thought out
And now hours later I still find myself dwelling on these words. In heaven I wish for God to show me home videos of when He made me. How much design went into making me someone who will notice details that others don't usually notice? Or how much intention did He take when He decided I would be more reserved around large groups of people? I wonder how purposeful He was when He decided I would be tender hearted and cry so easily? I need to remind myself I am who I am because One who is greater than me calculated me to be this way...and that way...and not this way...or not that way.
It's easy to want to be like someone else. To look like someone else. It's easy to pick out the things about ourselves we don't like. I find myself doing that often lately. I'm going to stop though. Even as I notice ways my daughter is just like me, I need to celebrate that God was intentional about her too. Maybe that trait about myself that drives me crazy...the one Miah has too...maybe it's because He saw it important enough to repeat. I've been looking around for about a week now at friends, at family, at people on TV, people at church and seeing just how unique and different the Master Craftsman has deliberately planned for each of us to be. How anyone can argue there is such a creator I don't know.
Sit down as a family or maybe while you're all at the dinner table, go around and pick out the ways God specifically gifted and deliberately planned for each of you to be. Find the things that are uniquely special about each person. As a bonus maybe you'll also see the ways your unique traits work together and compliment each other as a family.
Look at Jeremiah 1:5 to see how he was specifically gifted by God.
"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Kids' Camp 2011 is...
officially on the brain now.
You didn't think I was going to tell you the theme, did you?! Only 5 people know. We keep it pretty top secret. Don'tcha hate that? Why so hush hush? I guess because we're difficult that way :) Or just adding to the anticipation :) Actually if you're dying to know don't miss out this Sunday. This coming Sunday is Family 5th at Celebration, and my Kids' Camp cohort and myself will be making our usual "display" to reveal the theme. If you're new to Celebration in the last year you're in for a "treat." I'll be glad, actually, to finally spill the beans because then I don't have to watch what I say around my daughter! I keep it a secret even from her.
With it being on the brain now that means it won't leave the brain until June. So much happens in the next 6 months that includes excitement, laughter, anticipation, time, stress, exhaustion, tears, organizing, planning, creating, and many many more things! You really don't want to miss out!
You know what's exciting at this point? Well for me, it's when someone comes to me in December and says, "What is the date for Kids' Camp? I want to make sure I put in my vacation time now." Did you read that? Vacation time. First time someone said that to me I cried. Each year I have more and more people that are making decisions like that, that are carving out time to be involved (and this particular person doesn't even have small children by the way...). The adults anticipate as much as the kids! Adults have already started asking me, "Is so and so going to be a small group leader again? My daughter loved her!" or "Is so and so going to be on games again because his game stations were always my favorite!" People are already anticipating the outcome. THAT is exciting! To me it's exciting because Kids' Camp is an event that can involve the whole church. Kids participate. Teens participate. Adults participate. It's the one event that for three days Celebration comes together for a fabulous time! Ministering happens. New friendships begin. Established relationships deepen. (Plus you get a snazzy T-shirt!)
Can I pencil in your calendar? I'd like to add Monday, January 31st at 6:30 please. It's our annual Kids' Camp Kick-Off Meeting and would love to save a seat for you! Come find out the who, the what and the where.
Kids' Camp - a place where rocket ships appear on the building, 4 wheelers drive on stage, people swing from a vine, chocolate barbells for snack...who wouldn't want to be part, right? :) :) :)
You didn't think I was going to tell you the theme, did you?! Only 5 people know. We keep it pretty top secret. Don'tcha hate that? Why so hush hush? I guess because we're difficult that way :) Or just adding to the anticipation :) Actually if you're dying to know don't miss out this Sunday. This coming Sunday is Family 5th at Celebration, and my Kids' Camp cohort and myself will be making our usual "display" to reveal the theme. If you're new to Celebration in the last year you're in for a "treat." I'll be glad, actually, to finally spill the beans because then I don't have to watch what I say around my daughter! I keep it a secret even from her.
With it being on the brain now that means it won't leave the brain until June. So much happens in the next 6 months that includes excitement, laughter, anticipation, time, stress, exhaustion, tears, organizing, planning, creating, and many many more things! You really don't want to miss out!
You know what's exciting at this point? Well for me, it's when someone comes to me in December and says, "What is the date for Kids' Camp? I want to make sure I put in my vacation time now." Did you read that? Vacation time. First time someone said that to me I cried. Each year I have more and more people that are making decisions like that, that are carving out time to be involved (and this particular person doesn't even have small children by the way...). The adults anticipate as much as the kids! Adults have already started asking me, "Is so and so going to be a small group leader again? My daughter loved her!" or "Is so and so going to be on games again because his game stations were always my favorite!" People are already anticipating the outcome. THAT is exciting! To me it's exciting because Kids' Camp is an event that can involve the whole church. Kids participate. Teens participate. Adults participate. It's the one event that for three days Celebration comes together for a fabulous time! Ministering happens. New friendships begin. Established relationships deepen. (Plus you get a snazzy T-shirt!)
Can I pencil in your calendar? I'd like to add Monday, January 31st at 6:30 please. It's our annual Kids' Camp Kick-Off Meeting and would love to save a seat for you! Come find out the who, the what and the where.
Kids' Camp - a place where rocket ships appear on the building, 4 wheelers drive on stage, people swing from a vine, chocolate barbells for snack...who wouldn't want to be part, right? :) :) :)
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Kids' Camp Worship Team |
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Kids' Camp Wild Kingdom |
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