Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kids' Camp 2011 is...

officially on the brain now.

You didn't think I was going to tell you the theme, did you?!  Only 5 people know.  We keep it pretty top secret.  Don'tcha hate that?  Why so hush hush?  I guess because we're difficult that way :)  Or just adding to the anticipation :)  Actually if you're dying to know don't miss out this Sunday.  This coming Sunday is Family 5th at Celebration, and my Kids' Camp cohort and myself will be making our usual "display" to reveal the theme.  If you're new to Celebration in the last year you're in for a "treat."  I'll be glad, actually, to finally spill the beans because then I don't have to watch what I say around my daughter!  I keep it a secret even from her.

With it being on the brain now that means it won't leave the brain until June.  So much happens in the next 6 months that includes excitement, laughter, anticipation, time, stress, exhaustion, tears, organizing, planning, creating, and many many more things!  You really don't want to miss out!

You know what's exciting at this point?  Well for me, it's when someone comes to me in December and says, "What is the date for Kids' Camp?  I want to make sure I put in my vacation time now."  Did you read that?  Vacation time.  First time someone said that to me I cried.  Each year I have more and more people that are making decisions like that, that are carving out time to be involved (and this particular person doesn't even have small children by the way...).  The adults anticipate as much as the kids!  Adults have already started asking me, "Is so and so going to be a small group leader again?  My daughter loved her!"  or "Is so and so going to be on games again because his game stations were always my favorite!"  People are already anticipating the outcome.  THAT is exciting!  To me it's exciting because Kids' Camp is an event that can involve the whole church.  Kids participate.  Teens participate.  Adults participate.  It's the one event that for three days Celebration comes together for a fabulous time!  Ministering happens.  New friendships begin.  Established relationships deepen.  (Plus you get a snazzy T-shirt!)

Can I pencil in your calendar?  I'd like to add Monday, January 31st at 6:30 please.  It's our annual Kids' Camp Kick-Off Meeting and would love to save a seat for you!  Come find out the who, the what and the where.

Kids' Camp - a place where rocket ships appear on the building, 4 wheelers drive on stage, people swing from a vine, chocolate barbells for snack...who wouldn't want to be part, right?  :) :) :)

Kids' Camp Worship Team

Kids' Camp Wild Kingdom

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's Not THAT Bad...I Promise!

When I say the words "children's ministry," what comes to mind?  This?

Because I promise it's really not that bad...only on days with a full moon.  And those only come once a month and may not always land on a Sunday.  Just sayin'...

How 'bout I not beat around the bush, not give you a lot of fluff, not give you all the convincing reasons why you SHOULD volunteer in children's ministry and just get right to it.

Here's the deal.  We need you.  Mhmmm, you.  Oh, you don't really like babies and real little ones?  We've got older kids too :)  I see.  It's the older ones that scare you?  That's ok, we have sweet babies that need rocked or kiddos toddling around that will gladly share their snot and germs with you!  What?  You don't really like kids all that much?  You're in luck, I even have a spot for that!  Can you say "Good morning!" and smile?  If so, I've got just the place!

Children's ministry has a variety of places to serve:  from very little contact with kids...all the way to.... all-out access to them!  Still not sure?  I'd like to invite you to join us some Sunday and check us out.  No commitment, just come hang out for a service and see what Celebrate Kids is all about!

I want to leave you with a few thoughts as you consider my invitation.  In children's ministry you get to see children that love God, learn about God and worship God.  You get to meet new friends, see friendships begin and watch them grow.  These are just a few of my favorite things...

Monday, January 10, 2011

I Have Put Words In Your Mouth!

You know what I hate?  You know what can make me feel guilty faster than anything?  That moment I react to my daughter out of pure frustration.  Ugh.  It gives me that sinking feeling.  I know I can't be the only parent feeling like this.

It always amazes me how Satan can find that weak moment.  The moment when I'm tired.  Or the one when I have a headache and want to be left alone.  Or the moment when I see a messy room that I've asked to be cleaned up or the clothes that I've washed, dried, folded and brought upstairs that are now in a messy pile on top of the dresser, or how about when...well you get the point...he finds that moment when I don't have the energy to filter my irritation before I spew it.  

This is what's been on my mind since I posted the last couple entires (Momma's Hands & Impressions).  It's made me meditate on myself the last several days and wonder what impressions I make on my child.  A wise person taught me "It's not what you say, it's how you say it."  More than the actual words sometimes, it's my tone that is my weakness.  I'm usually not very good at hiding my irritation.

As I was researching verses that I added at the bottom I read Jeremiah 1:9..."Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, 'Look, I have put words in your mouth!'"  Seriously?  How awesome would it be if the Lord would zip mine for a moment, turn my face towards His and then say those very words to me:  "Look, Karla, I have put words in your mouth!"  Aahhhh...but thankfully He has given me His Word that I may find delicious truths to learn from.

Here are words from His Word...

Psalm 19:14  May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 119:103  How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.

Proverbs 12:25  Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

Proverbs 16:24  Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

Proverbs 17:27  A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even- tempered.

If you're a parent that struggles sometimes with words or with tone, or if you're a friend or a daughter or a wife or a husband...I share these reminders of wisdom from God of what kind, sweet, encouraging and patient words do.

Any tidbits of wisdom you can share?  I'd love to hear! :)

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today I have a guest blogger!  Brought to you all the way from Willow Park, Texas...none other than "Nana."  Stevi Fenton is my mother-in-law, but she is affectionately known as Nana :)  This Christmas she gave me and my sister-in-law, Amy, a special mug.  It was a Fire King jadeite "D" handled mug.  This mug was just like the mug she saw her Mother drink from.  She shared with us, in a letter packaged with the mug, the memories she had as a young girl. And I share them with you now:

"This particular used mug brings to mind a story that belongs to this family and I want to make sure our children's children have a vivid image in their heads to pass down in their own oral history, as vivid as if I had painted it with oil on canvas.

Stevi got out of bed and wandered into the kitchen where it was warm.  She was three or four years old and what she sees in the kitchen is not etched in her life memories because it was unique or shocking, but because it's what she saw every morning when the weather was cool.  The perimeter of heat from a stove like a wall of warm air was the indicator of how long her mama had been up and stirring.  Still in her cotton gown and house coat, the chrome and yellow vinyl dinette chair pulled closer to the oven so Mary could prop her feet up on the oven door to warm them.  She never went barefoot.  She always wore chenille slippers.

Unaware that her youngest child had entered the room and was watching her, Mary sat with the Bible in her lap.  She didn't leave her family that singular Bible where she recorded her countless insights in the margins of the scriptures.  The Word is fluid and alive and she always gave her bibles away.  Some of her notations can be found in homes of Australians, New Zealanders, Brazilians and South Africans.

Stevi was watching her mother's hands, they were her defining features.  She had long fingers, strong yet delicate and they flew into the air every time someone wanted to take a photo of her, as if she used them to frame her face.  This morning as most mornings they caressed a cup of coffee, a jadeite mug that had probably been left by a previous tenant.  She held the mug with both hands.  Since she was left handed she clutched the "D" handle mug in her left hand.  The thumb of her right hand balanced the bottom edge of the mug while her right index finger touched the rim.  Both little fingers with their long nails were held out in dainty fashion.  I think she held every mug that way from then on.

It would be this memory that came flooding back many years later when I found a Fire King jadeite "D" handled mug in an antique store.  I couldn't wait to get it home and drink coffee out of it the very way my mother did years ago.  I poured the coffee into the mug and raised it to my lips to discover that there was a reason why mother held the mug in such a fashion.  Those mugs were hot to the touch and the only place to touch them without burning your fingers was the handle, the bottom edge where the glass was thicker, and the rim.  Her coffee drinking style turned out to be primarily practicality, and it made me laugh out loud.  Enjoy drinking from my mama's cup!"

Love you,

This is me in my usual weepy state when receiving something sentimental...
Nana demonstrating how her Mother held her coffee cup :)

Thought Nana sharing her memories of her mother's hand and the way she held her mug was a great second part of the thoughts I shared about my mother's hands.

Again, so funny the things we notice about the ones we spend so much time with and how we carry those with us the rest of our lives.  Is it funny to you how hands have made an impact?  

I know something else that makes an even bigger impression than our hands. Our words.  While I gather my thoughts about that...maybe you can spend some time thinking about your words, your hands, your actions, things about you that YOU think make an impression on others.

Thank you, Nana, for sharing your memories...and thanks for my new mug!!!! :) 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Momma's Hands

I was looking through pictures my niece posted on Facebook of holiday time.  I clicked on the next one and there it was...a rolling pin, some cookie dough and a woman's hand.  My MOMMA'S hand!  I'd recognize that hand anywhere (even if it wasn't on a familiar site).

photo by Kaitlynn Passon

This one simple picture brought several words to my mind in a moment:  creative, sewer, teacher, reader, doodler, list maker, story teller and one other one...simply - "Mom." 

photo by Kaitlynn Passon

I like details.  I like to pay attention to people's mannerisms and details about their physical appearance that makes them unique.  I've always taken notice of things like that.  Memories of my mom's hands I have are:  she never liked her hands even as a young girl and it was because of her veins...funny thing is, I always loved that part!  I always hung my hand down to let the blood rush so my veins would be puffy like hers.  She never removed her wedding band from the day my dad put it on her finger.  She had strong nails like her mother and they were nicely shaped nails.  She used her hands to teach:  Sunday school, how to sew a button, how to tie a shoe, how to tie a perfect bow so it's not crooked,  how to roll the cookie dough, how to hold a picture so you don't get fingerprints on it, how to iron a shirt and iron a perfect pleat.  The list is long.  For me the list is 37 years long.  

The older I get the more of my mother's mannerisms I see in myself.  Most times I laugh when I notice them or tease my sister when I notice them in her. :)  But really, why would I expect anything different than to resemble my mom (and dad)?  In all of this remembering and thinking of all she has taught me through just her hands alone,  I sit and wonder..."What is Miah seeing in me?  What is she learning from my hands?  What details is she picking out?  What will she mimic?  What will she remember?  What am I teaching that I don't even realize I'm teaching?"

I hope she is seeing love and kindness and patience...hmmmm, this sounds familiar...

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."  Galatians 5:22-23

What details can you take notice of today that your kiddos are more than likely noticing already?  Any details you think you may need to change?  What are things you learned from watching YOUR mom?