Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Track 1. Crank Volume. Repeat.

This is my favorite song right now.  I was introduced to this song a few weeks ago as it was playing in the background.  It instantly became my in, before the song even ended, favorite.  I love finding songs that I can blare in the car and know without a doubt it will be my daughter's favorite too. 

What's great about it is not just the music (which I am drawn to first) but the lyrics!  This song reinforces what I teach her - that God is always there.  He guides.  He's close.  He's light.  He's everywhere.  He's the bright and morning star.

The best part is she listens to music the same way I do...over and over and over.  So here is "Light Up the Sky" by The Afters that we blare and repeat and blare and repeat and...

Yes, I'm making you look these up yourself :)

He is close. 2 Corinthians 1:3; Psalm 144:2
He is light. Psalm 27:1; Matthew 4:16; John 8:12
He is always there. Psalm 46:1; 59:16;
He is everywhere. Psalm 139:7-12
He is the bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16


  1. I love this song too, it reminds me of the Tinkerbell video we watched in activate groug the other night.

  2. AHHHHHHHHHH, SHELLEY!!!!!!!! (i said that in a screaming voice) I KNOW!! Andrea had told me what she was doing with the video and then it didn't dawn on me until AFTER your activate group that this song would have fit perfectly! I think you'll see it soon...I played it for her late on Tuesday night :) funny :)

  3. That's sooo funny, it's crazy how all this stuff becomes connected.
