Monday, November 22, 2010

Full Moon Madness

Yesterday as I began Large Group teaching I knew within two minutes it was going to be "one of THOSE days..." There is just a buzz around the room. It's the kind of energy that you just can't pinpoint any certain thing or any certain person, it's just an all over energy. It's the kind of day when all my Small Group leaders look at me like "What's going on?!?!"

After Large Group was done and kiddos went into the Small Group classrooms, I walked back to one of our teens who was running tech and said, "Get on the internet please and google full moon dates of 2010 because I betcha anything it's a full moon." The people standing there kinda looked at me funny and I went on to explain that when I taught in school teachers always knew when it was a full moon because of the way the kids were. They had these funny looks as if they were saying "I don't quite believe all that..." until the teen found the information I was asking for. "Full moon for November is...November 21st," she said. They looked at each other and then said "What is today's date?" I smiled and said, "November 21st." The looks on their faces were priceless :) I assigned them each a Small Group to assist and then quickly went to find ME another cup of coffee!!

So why DOES a full moon make such a difference? I have no idea...a scientist I am not. I went googling for some information but only came up with "no scientific proof." All the studies show there is no link between the full moon and behavior. I say none of those scientists have spent time teaching kids then. ;)

Oh well. I stand by it anyway :) As a teacher I sometimes shake my head and wonder "Why in the world does this full moon affect these kids?!" Now I sit and wonder if God does the same thing. Wonder if there are days when He looks at our behavior, our choices and says "They've gone full moon mad! What are they doing?!" I have a list of questions I want to ask God one day. I think I'll add this one to my list.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Track 1. Crank Volume. Repeat.

This is my favorite song right now.  I was introduced to this song a few weeks ago as it was playing in the background.  It instantly became my in, before the song even ended, favorite.  I love finding songs that I can blare in the car and know without a doubt it will be my daughter's favorite too. 

What's great about it is not just the music (which I am drawn to first) but the lyrics!  This song reinforces what I teach her - that God is always there.  He guides.  He's close.  He's light.  He's everywhere.  He's the bright and morning star.

The best part is she listens to music the same way I do...over and over and over.  So here is "Light Up the Sky" by The Afters that we blare and repeat and blare and repeat and...

Yes, I'm making you look these up yourself :)

He is close. 2 Corinthians 1:3; Psalm 144:2
He is light. Psalm 27:1; Matthew 4:16; John 8:12
He is always there. Psalm 46:1; 59:16;
He is everywhere. Psalm 139:7-12
He is the bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16

Friday, November 12, 2010


I keep my posts about kiddos...except tonight.  This is me wishing I was more of a "kiddo" or at least a younger me or maybe just a more computer savvy me than I am at the moment.  I ventured out to work on the pretty part of my blog tonight so I've been working with HTML codes.  I'm limited on my knowledge.  Really all I actually wanted was a better font.  I'm still ignorant on how to change my font.  And I mean different than the standard generic ones that come on blogger.  Anyone help me?  Anyone?  Anyone?

Well while I wait on all of your vast knowledge that you'll bestow upon me, I think I'll go to bed... because it's already tomorrow.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Salute You

Today is Veteran's Day.  I feel so thankful and blessed today that I have the privilege to live in a country with so many freedoms that many people do not.  I have the freedom to worship our Creator and the freedom to teach young lives about Him and His Son.  My deepest thanks and gratitude goes out to the many men and women from years past and those that currently serve to keep those freedoms.

There are some other veterans I'd like to thank as well.  I'm thinking of a couple that for over 40 years taught kids and they were affectionately called "Grandma and Grandpa" by all kids.  Unfortunately health is the only reason they retired from teaching.  I think about my own mother today.  She just retired teaching this year.  For 47 years she taught the 4 and 5 year olds in Sunday school.  Every week.  All year.  For 47 years.  I love her so.  What an example I have had before me!  My "salutes" and my thanks goes to those veterans that have taught me commitment and that have taught me to serve.  I pray I can continue to be mentored by them and pray the same for people in my generation.

I lead the children's ministry at Celebration Christian Church and am blessed with a fantastic team of volunteers that serve every week.  I've spent time this week thinking about them and being thankful for them.  Here is my Top Ten list of reasons why I love them...

10.  I appreciate the way they SUPPORT me as I lead in children's ministry.
  9.  I like their FLEXIBILITY when some weeks they have a handful of kiddos and then others they have a few handfuls...
  8.  They help to MENTOR teens that serve as assistants in their small groups.  Thanks to them for being great LEADERS for our teens that serve.
  7.  Again, they are FLEXIBLE when some weeks they have too much time in their small group (maybe because a certain preacher talked too long...) and other weeks when they have not enough time.  I'm thankful for their flexibility and making adjustments as needed.
  6.  I love that they're not afraid to WORSHIP with the kiddos...and worship their style.
  5.  I see the ways they INTERACT with the kids as they come in and greet, talk and play with them.
  4.  They WANT to be there...I didn't have to twist their arm to serve.
  3.  I'm thankful for their EXAMPLE to the kids of loving, worshipping, serving and learning about God.
  2.  Their COMMITMENT.  Thank you to my volunteers for being there week after week!
  1.  And my top reason for being thankful is for the ways each one is UNIQUE and bring their unique talents and gifts to serve God!

Who has made an impact on you?  Who are you thankful for today?  Who are you needing to "salute" today?

Psalm 100

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chocolate Reminders

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE chocolate.  Specifically I love Dove chocolate.  The added bonus?  It has hidden reminders.  What piece of encouragement will be hiding under the wrapper today?  Here are some "words of wisdom" from Dove:

* "Chocolate brings good things to life."
* "It's OK not to do it all."
* "Think lovingly, speak lovingly, act lovingly."
* "It's never too late for a fresh start."
* "Celebrate what you want to see more of."
* "The most enjoyable experiences are often free."

Think about applying these thoughts to how you parent. 
  • Your child comes home after having a bad day?  "Think, speak and act lovingly" towards them.
  • Are they down because they seem to keep disobeying the same thing over and over and you are feeling fed up?  Teach them (and yourself) "It's never too late for a fresh start."
  • See an action from your child that made you happy and wish they would do it more often?  "Celebrate what you want to see more of."
What "words of wisdom" have you learned from opening a piece of chocolate?  What are some "words of wisdom" would you submit to Dove?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pow! Right In the Kisser!

I've been hit again by my daughter.  Well, not literally of course, but she just has this way of teaching me and hitting me square in the eye sometimes and she has no clue she's doing it.  I sit and wonder often what God has in store for her!  Needless to say, I'm partial, but I love her sweet little nine year old heart.

A couple weeks ago Matt preached on forgiveness, and the same Sunday I taught on forgiveness in Celebrate Kids (neither one of us realizing we both would be teaching the same thing).   Since then I've been talking about forgiveness with a friend, another friend blogged about forgiveness and then the subject kept popping up.  It's everywhere!  Then my girl experienced it herself in a struggle she's been having.  A friend she's had all through elementary hasn't been treating her very well lately and after several days of trying to work through it with her friend, she decided she had had enough!  She didn't like what was going on and decided she wasn't going to keep hanging around her and being treated the way she was.  One day in the car I asked how things were going with this friend.  She said, "We decided to be friends again."  In response to me asking about that she said, "I forgave her.  My life just wasn't very good without her." 

(Here's when "Momma Bear" takes over)  Really?  Just like that?  But, but, but...but I had to hide momma bear in the cave and support my nine year old that so easily forgave, that was doing what I had just been teaching.  I don't know about you, but forgiveness is not always the easiest thing for me.  Oh, I forgive alright...but I sure struggle with the "forgetting" and moving on part.  I'm the mom and the teacher that just two weeks prior was teaching that we need to forgive.  Why?  Simple. Jesus forgave us.  Period.  So that's what she did.  Simply.  And because her life "wasn't very good without her."  Aahhh, to think and act like a child....
Colossians 3:13, "Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

I am thankful God has given her a tender and loving heart.  I am thankful she has listened to and applied lessons on forgiveness.  I am thankful she still sees and hopes for the best in people. I am thankful that she and I can take turns being the student and the teacher.

I'd like to hear from you.  What have kids been able to teach YOU?  How has God used their young lives to influence YOURS?